Monday, February 16, 2009

Judd Gregg To Be or Not to Be an Obama Cabinet Appointee

I am a little disappointed after looking around today for an answer as to why Judd Gregg truly pulled out of a cabinet seat because, Judd Gregg has in many respects dodged fully answering the question at least in the initial interviews that I have seen. I have seen some pretty atrocious op-eds that I am not going to dignify with their "analysis" of the issue. The video below this post from Gregg comes across decently. In it he acts a little sheepish about making the mistake in the first place and leaves enough gray area in it to give him the right plausible deniability quotient. I can not help but think that when you repeat how gracious Obama was in understanding the withdrawal you are really saying "don't beat me up before I get out the door." Understandable, Rahm and Barack know how to rough someone up if they want. You don't have to think too hard, to understand that what happened to Palin was in many ways orchestrated by Barack's spin doctors. But that is politics and I am going to leave the value judgment out in this case. The Judd Gregg issue in my view is one in which, I think that we ought to be reading in between the lines.

We may never get a straight answer from Gregg about why. That is not the worst thing to me because, sometimes secrets need to be kept. But he also may do well to come clean. Was it a laundry list of things he "couldn't do?" Or was it just one big one? Some are speculating it has to do with the Census overhaul that is planned by Obama's office, see the video on Sunday's post (below) to see what I am talking about. But I am only about 45% satisfied with that answer. I think that when he was looking around at what this really meant, he was not just in disagreement, he was feeling absolutely repugnant about what he was going to be doing for an Obama presidency.

Should this worry you? Maybe a little. I think that if you find a guy like Judd Gregg, whom apparently will not be running for another term, dodging the cabinet (after asking for the job) is indicative of something. You have to read signs with a critical eye, and I think that this in combination with the litany of problem appointees is indicative of an administration that is not itself unified. I think that Obama is having trouble reigning certain individuals in (who those are I don't know) and therefore, some of them are marching to their own drumbeat. What does this mean for America? Well, it may be too early to say. If it rights itself with Obama's leadership abilities, we won't even notice it two months from now.

If on the other hand, it is not fixed, it will most likely lead to disaster. Incompetence is not tolerated at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., and various presidents have ran headlong into that fact. Look, I am not a seer or a doomsayer. At this point, I am just an analyst. I want this whole thing to right itself, because I love America and consider myself a patriot. But I am not happy right now with what is happening, nor am I agreeing with the fixes that are being offered.

In 1998, Japan injected 500 billion into its doddering, failing economy with disastrous results. It is also, as is pointed out in Nobel Prize winning Paul Krugman's book The Return of Depression Economics the return of hyperinflation. Value of money is probably going to go down immeasurably in comparison with today's economy with this second trillion dollar price tagged government growth package. Inflation is a fear. It is a palpable, real fear and one in which, at least in my lifetime I have not ever seen unfold to the extent that it did in Japan, Mexico, Argentina, or a list of other countries. It is one that I hope dearly will not happen. But the events unfolding these very days seem to be pointing towards the fact that it is.

When Senator Gregg decides he does not want to be head of the Commerce Department, I think it is a shrewd personal move. Do you want to be running Commerce as it drops like a stone? I don't. That in my opinion is why his explanation to me is less than satisfying. I sent him an email today and we will see if he responds. In the meantime - I hope you will watch the video below and see what you think. The Flash video did not work for some reason so today it is just the link:

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Good Evening- C

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