Thursday, February 19, 2009

Iran Crosses the Red Line

As reported by Financial Times today, the Iranians have enriched enough fissile material to create a nuclear weapon. This is the point at which Israeli's vowed not to allow them to reach. When I am choosing what to write about, often it is the above and beyond winner. This surely would be the "above and beyond" story. The highly secret practice of enriching Iranian nukes has been a political football for sometime. Amazing how it seems it is going to fall squarely in the numbers of newly emblazoned President Obama. With everything else, you would hope that this would not happen so quickly. Yet it did.

So, on a day when 17 detainees were denied release from Gitmo'(we find it interesting that Obama does not say where released Gitmo prisoners should go yet), Speaker Nancy Pelosi was chided and urged by the Pope to stop her evil ways, the Skull and Bones Society (of Blueblooded Americans) was sued by the Apache Nation, and to top it off a political dissident Ayman Nour, was freed from prison in Egypt, the pick was still easy. As quoted by Financial Times "David Albright, the head of the Institute for Science and International Security, said: “If Iran did decide to build nuclear weapons, it’s entering an era in which it could do so quickly.” So here we are.

Sometimes poignant statements are made on their own without a brain to manufacture them. I think this is certainly one of those cases. I don't think I need to warn you of the specter of uncertainty that an Iranian nuke poses. But just in case, Iranian grand poobah, Ahmadinejad, the nebulous, smirking, grandstanding leader of Iran is just as proud of his little bomb as is Putin and his wunderkind Medvedev whom supplied him. We are in the midst of interesting times. If Israel moves, say hello to World War friends.

In the beginning of the Obama presidency, I wished him the best in my heart. Right now, I don't wish the best, I hope the best.

Raymond Burris, the appointee for Obama's Senate seat vacancy now has questions surrounding him for whether he actually lied under oath. He purportedly never was given money, but was he ever even asked by Blagojevich if he wanted some? It seems like a fair question. In the beginning, I gave Burris the benefit of the doubt because, at least in some ways, he appeared to be an earnest bidder, just trying to take the seat that he was given. He seemed to be weathering the storm he knew was coming from the scrutiny that Blagojevich bestowed on the seat. While I think some people still fake their way onto the House of Representatives, for the Senate you have to have a whole state vote for you, and even a small one, with its differing, opposing counties, is a very hard thing to do. You need a lot of friends, a lot of money and in most instances, some wherewithal of what you are actually doing. For Burris to get in the old boys club, he was surely going to have to go through some hazing, but now I am not quite sure he is up to snuff. I am starting to think someone should have told him that if he was hiding anything, anything at all, he might as well give up the ghost and move on because he was not going to make it through. It does not appear anyone afforded him that message.

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