Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pick your Poison

We have had a rough go in the last few years as conservatives, but now the academic elites with their leftist, socialist leanings are finally getting their way. The same people that made a cottage market out of debasing George W. Bush are now running the entire system. The same people who ran our name into the mud worldwide, are now in the sun and running rampant.

Are we now supposed to give a damn whether Rush Limbaugh is the Republican leader? You have got to be kidding me. He is a talk show host, a personality and a voice. I also have a personality and a voice. I don't have a seat on Congress, so I don't lead anything other than maybe my household - on a good day. Get over yourselves network television, I have turned you off for good! The RNC needs to stop taking the bait - Steele!!

Maybe there is a problem that we are not quite honing in on. Maybe in between the guerilla warfare that goes on day by day in the news media, something truly is wrong. Are we all just sniping at each other so much that we are not getting things done properly? Are we the new tower of Babel?

President Obama said in the campaign he was going to seek peaceful relations with openly hostile countries. Yet in practice, so far it seems to be falling flat. He finds out that while he is just getting used to the new seat at the Oval Office, Ayatollah Khamanei, (or Khomeini) is inciting the Muslim world to resist Israel and Iran (Ahmadinejad) is calling for an Anti-zionist front (Breitbart 3-04-09). Russia has scoffed at his "help me with Iran" letter.. Later, President Obama denied the Quid Pro Quo assertion that was made in various news stories in an interview.

We should all say a solemn prayer realizing the great loss of life that has occurred over many years in the Middle East and most recently in Gaza. I am also aware of the delicate chess match we have, and hope that President Obama will be wise in his decisionmaking process of policymaking and diplomacy worldwide. However, we still remain with little chance of diplomatic relations with Iran, or Russia, who supplies them. Iran has a dead set, hardline stance toward Western politics that dichotomizes any discussion with the Western World. While Obama states we need to reboot the relationship, coming from a position of weakness is not appreciated - in Russia or the Middle East. Negotiation to them is synonymous with weakness in Russia.

Thank you for reading-


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